Sunday, August 13, 2006

Rocky Balboa

Watch the trailer here.

Plot: ESPN shows a video game simulation of Rocky Balboa - arguably the worst boxer in movie history - against a real boxer named Mason "The Line" Dixon, and Rocky wins. I've always wondered how this Rocky movie series can be popular. Every time he gets raped in the ring and somehow comes back at the end, his body resembling black-and-blue clay, and yet he wins. What is more realistic would be a movie where Rocky's brain damage takes over and he talks to his dog about modern technology and knowing Mr. T for 3 days while eating plaster.

I can just imagine Stallone smoking a giant cigar at Planet Hollywood in Lincoln, Nebraska: "Hmmm....maybe, at 89-years-old, I should fight against a kid who will hit me so hard my grandchildren vomit....sounds like another 100-million-dollar sequel." If you've ever thought Hollywood fucks up your brain, this is the most glaring example. Stay tuned for Indiana Jones: The Ravages of Time, 2008. Fitting title. This film should be called Rocky Balboa: Give me a fucking break.


Lena Webb said...

Bully, Mert. Bull-y. It looks as if you, single handedly, are bolstering the decomposing ruins once prosperously known as "Trailer Reviews."

Ben has a 110% legitimate excuse. But what, pray tell, has Brendon?

MertMengelmier said...

Brendon even said he was writing the trailer for Spiderman or Nacho Libre or The Crying Game or something. Brendon, Brendon, where fore art thou?

Although he is moving soon - but yes, this blog is dying.