Sunday, June 25, 2006

Brothers of the Head

Watch the trailer here.

The moment this trailer starts and Jonathan Pryce is on the boat, I really hoped it was a movie about Oasis and not about two freakish, conjoined twins and their punk rock career. I mean, honestly, what the fuck? "Hi, I'm an independent film director and I want to make a movie about 'space docking,' it's when a guy takes a dump in his girlfriend's vagina." Yeah, that's what I think of the depths some directors will go to shock you into seeing total shit. Just. Make. A. Quality. Movie. Like Jimmy Fallon does, for instance. Enough of this crap.

However, Brothers of the Head is a movie of immense stupidity, and on that note: go do your laundry or clean your fridge or masturbate. Seriously, you haven't done it in a while and you don't want waste two hours of your precious life (please don't masturbate for two hours - that's bound to get painful). It's not the subject matter entirely that irks me, it's the exploitive marketing behind it. One of the taglines is "For some people, rock and roll will always be a freak show." Nice, Toni Grosoni (the writer of the screenplay), way to allow your work - and the novel BOTH was based on - to be royally pissed on.

You know that moment in Braveheart when Angus Macfadyen, playing Robert the Bruce, stands on the battlefield and stares at the camera after a horrific fight, looking dishonored at the death and ghastly nature of humanity? You know that scene? Yeah, that's how I feel about this trailer: Oh Holy God, what have we done?

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