Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Drawing Restraint 9

Go watch this trailer.
Watch it with the sound very loud.
Watch it full screen and sit very close.
That is probably as much of Drawing Restraint 9 as you will ever watch.
That is probably as much of Drawing Restraint 9 as you will ever need to watch.
Also, that is as much of the film’s soundtrack you will ever need to hear.

I love everything about this trailer. From the kid vomiting the giant prawn, to Barney’s logo rendered from whale blubber; from the garbage bag full of grubs to the insane title screen. It is an undeniably beautiful preview, for what is almost certainly an interminably boring film. I love watching the trailers for Mr. Barney’s films because they speak of such wonderful promise that the films themselves can never live up to.

But through it all, did you notice how perfectly calm and comfortable Björk looks? This film is clearly not one of Barney’s impenetrable metaphors for the cycles of creation and destruction inherent in our lives; he just followed Björk around for a day and filmed the kind of shit she gets up to! She is wearing that huge fur hood with her shaved eyebrows like it is a damn baseball cap!

It’s an art film. Why go to any trouble to see it? You have all you need from it right here.

I say again:
Watch this trailer.
Watch it loud.
Watch it close.
Consider yourself enriched.

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