Monday, May 29, 2006

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Who cares.

View the trailer here.

A technological dream deferred, nay forgotten. Shame on us. Automobiles spew smog? Oh, the shame! The right wing, corporate-driven government doesn’t want cheaper cars for the world’s population? No way! All of these blatantly obvious things spell “total shock” to a “total fucking retard.” This trailer sucks.

In the 1990s, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) began to require automakers to make more eco-friendly automobiles. This request was quickly rolled back. Is anyone really surprised? These are cars that require us - the buyers and drivers of automobiles, the purchasers of gasoline - to spend less, give less and require less. As great as it all sounds to us to spend little and live healthier, it’s the same thing as cigarettes, trans fats (whatever that means), junk food, cancer, etc. – the answers are out there, the problem is the people with money and greed (everyone) doesn’t want to stop making money and satiating greed. We destroy the world and each other, it's bloody addictive. I respect the motive of this genre of documentary film: the ones where they show fast food is bad, cigarettes kill, we’re destroying the earth, penguins don’t need to be raped, etc. But honestly, WE ALL KNOW IT, and we’re gonna keep fucking up – we’re human, we’re selfish. That doesn't mean stop making informative, warning films - just do it differently. Spurlock is an idiot, but Supersize Me was so stupid, so weird, that it actually worked for a lot of people and has taken a sliver of McDonald's profits. Spurlock is still a hillbilly idiot.

“People who control the marketplace today – THE OIL COMPANIES – have a strong incentive to discourage alternatives.” Gee, is that news? “Hi, I’m from planet earth. Have we met?” Yes, it's official: I just quoted David Spade, that's how bad this trailer is. “$100 trillion dollars is left to be made in the oil industry.” Actually, more is left to be made if we go into more wars and overcharge morons. The Western World profits off of strife. Duh.

I’m no Republican, but when they target the government that ruined the future of the electric car, why do they show a Republican president who was elected four years after the car was ditched and his secretary of state? Where’s Clinton? Where’s Albright? This ain't simply con-da-sleeza. Can we have a unanimous blame, please?

I don’t have much more to say about this trailer, except as I sit and watch it over and over, I can’t help but think there will be ten angry, jobless New Yorkers at the movie, on their way to a Ralph Nader tofu party at some hippy’s Upper East Side apartment that also serves as an “Artist studio” where they all read Daniel Quinn and forget how they got there. That's a run-on sentence of hate, peeps. These are the same people who follow Michale Moore around and regulary suck off Ralph Nader in the name of communism.

The world sucks, it’s selfish. Just ride a bike; stop whining about a stupid electric car. Take the money you spent on this obvious movie, Sony Pictures, and send it to Darfur. Christ.

This post was written by Mert Menglemeir, and posted for him by Accidentally Disastrous.

1 comment:

spiffae said...

you're so angry. i should probably tell you that i killed the electric car, and thus this movie is my fault.
