Friday, May 12, 2006

Lady In The Water - Trailer 2

I'm no friend of M. Night Shiyamaland's. I find his movies plodding, his twist endings juvenile and ill-considered, and his stories contrived. Despite sucking big time, Mr. Shymalaman's films are often beautiful, they get stellar casts and always have good moments to them. On top of that, their trailers are often quite excellent as they rely on some nice music, austere images, and they don't have a weak twist ending. The trailers are good, but that doesn't mean I can get down with the man. The worst thing about M. Night. Shamalamadingdong is that he seems so full of himself. He hit his first one out of the park with The Sixth Sense, yes - but since then it has seemed like he is too sure of himself. I hear he writes a script in one shot. I've articles claiming that Shaymalanmalan writes a shitty first draft and then starts shooting, relying on other people to fix his dumb mistakes and bad ideas. On top of that, he puts himself in all of his movies for a little cameo. M. Night - Hitchcock did it first, and he did it better. M. Night just seems to be the guy who thinks he can do no wrong, and let me tell you: He has wronged, and he will wrong again.

That said, I have to say, this trailer seems to indicate that The Lady in the Water could be better than the previous efforts. I like the back-story behind it (It was a story he made up to tell his daughter before she went to bed, and it kept expanding and he decided there was a movie there), it apparently has no twist ending, and it stars Paul Giamatti - who I'm sure at least one of the writers of this blog hates, but I like. It's definitely floating in on this latest magical realism fad, but hey, I'll bite. The trailer is pretty, the story is vaguely set up, and I'm interested - which is, in a nutshell, what the trailer set out to do.

There's one moment, where the Lady in question shouts something while Paul carries her, and no matter how many times I watch it to see what she's trying to say, it sounds like "Cleveland to run!" which might make sense in some sort of road race, but doesn't make much sense in context.

Also, M. Night, get the fuck out of your trailer:
Trailer Here (


MertMengelmier said...

Erm, his name in the film is "Cleveland Heap." My question: if these acquatic-killer dogs are really going to harm them, why can't Cleveland just get Bruce Willis in "Unbreakable" to come along and whoop the evil dog's ass? Shamalamadingdong should start righting plays where everything on stage, at one point or another, annoys the crap out of me. That's my take.

Accidentally Disastrous said...

Before you said anything, i wasn't sure how i felt about Paul Giamatti, now i feel like i should hate him out of principal.

Accidentally Disastrous said...


Accidentally Disastrous said...

I can live with my shame on display.

MertMengelmier said...
